eValid Instance

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

eValid Instance

Postby proft » Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:16 pm

what kind of overheads should we expect from each eValid instance? I mean, how far off will the timing of internal events be?
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Joined: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:40 pm

Re: eValid Instance

Postby eValid » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:28 am

proft wrote:what kind of overheads should we expect from each eValid instance? I mean, how far off will the timing of internal events be?

Every eValid instance is a separate Windows process, so when there a LOT of
them running as on user -- e.g. a nominal 100-wide BU setup -- you can expect to see 50%+ CPU usage.

In most cases at 100+ BUs you don't run out of memory if you have at least 3 GBytes.

And, we generally see less that 5% input/output channel utilization in such cases.

At those levels our measurements show that the eValid results reported from internal timing commands are accurate to 1%.

eValid LoadTest Support
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