More details on maxing the simulated users per machine image

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

More details on maxing the simulated users per machine image

Postby MDecker » Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:50 am


Please tell me more about maximizing the number of simultaneous users on a machine image, and how does that relate to the duty cycle on each playback.

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Joined: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:46 am

Re: More details on maxing the simulated users per machine i

Postby eValid » Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:11 pm

MDecker wrote:Morning.

Please tell me more about maximizing the number of simultaneous users on a machine image, and how does that relate to the duty cycle on each playback.


Thanks for asking MDecker.

The "duty cycle" is a way of thinking about the load imposed by a user on a server, and is a way to "trick" the server into thinking it has more users than it actually has, by speeding up the playback.

The idea is, the server does the work of (for example) serving 10 clients but instead of doing it over (for example) 100 seconds it does it in 10 seconds.

That is an amplification factor of 10.

Here is the manual page the discusses this: ... users.html

For purposes of server loading experiments, when you want to ramp up the load and see how the server responses (or fails to respond), this kind of amplification factor can be VERY useful.

Note that in the explanation, you can potentially see as big a multiplication factor as 1000.

That's three orders of magnitude, so that kind of scaling makes it possible to simulate very large numbers of users with very small amounts of actual hardware.

If you like to ask us any additional questions or perhaps a consulting work, please contact us.

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