Question about the cache during load testing

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

Question about the cache during load testing

Postby WillyM » Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:20 am


Can you explain why eValid doesn't share cache memory during load testing?

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Joined: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:17 am

Re: Question about the cache during load testing

Postby eValid » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:04 am

WillyM wrote:Hiya.

Can you explain why eValid doesn't share cache memory during load testing?


Thanks for posting WillyM.

As you may have noticed, when used in LoadTest mode, eValid runs in "no cache" and "no cookies" mode on.

There are settings you can use to turn this feature off, but we don't recommend doing that for the following reasons:

(1) If you have multiple playbacks going in parallel, which is what eValid does, then it may be possible that one browser instance asks for a page that
some OTHER browser instance has already downloaded.

This makes the job a lot easier for the second browser: the page it wants is already present.

Which make that copy run faster, and that messes up the data: You'll probably be measuring how fast your driver machine is running, rather than how fast your web application is running.

(2) If one browser instance stores data in a local cookie, then a second browser instance may -- in error -- read the same data, which bad consequences.

The interference could either completely invalidate both sessions (imagine if it is password information that is cross-connected) or it may all one
browser to access data that is "private" to the other browser.

We recommend that you look at the general description of eValid's LoadTest mode for a better understanding of these issues:

-- eValid Support
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