31av wrote:How do you do step functions in load?
Let's look at the bigger picuture and describe how we ramp up load in a server loading scenario.
The first (and simplest) ramp is to increase the load at a constant rate, and we do that by controlling the rate at which new eValid instances are launched by the parent eValid that is controlling the load test run.
However, there are cases when you want to have the load jump by a fixed number of users all at one time. You might want 100, then 200, then 300, and so forth.
To do that either you synchronize the startup of the scripts using one or more of the built-in WaitMod commands, or you use an external synchronization signal, such as the WAITING/RUNNING toggle that comes with the eValid package.
In both cases it is pretty simple to engineer the sequence so that the growth pattern you are trying for -- either linear or stepped or a combination -- shows up in your experiments.
The eValid Team