More Than 50 Simultaneous Users

Use and application of the eValid server loading (LoadTest) capability. And in the cloud computing context for monitoring and loading.

More Than 50 Simultaneous Users

Postby jean2 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:23 pm

I want to test our website with load more than 50 simultaneous users.

Every user has to log in using diffrent ID and passwords. Can I do it using Demo key or not?
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Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:12 pm

Re: More Than 50 Simultaneous Users

Postby eValid » Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:44 pm

To set up eValid for 50 (or more) simultaneous users you use the Data Synthesis approach.

* To have one script run repetitively, after adjusting values of parameters in your script, you can use the powerful eValid Data Synthesis capability (this capability works in LoadTest runs also):

Unfortunately, you can't get more than 10 simultaneous browsers from your DEMO/EVAL license.

* Your eValid EVAL/EVAUTO and DEM0/EVDEMO licenses are intended to have full product functionality, so you can evaluate eValid's range of features. However, they do have certain technical limits, described here:

We have some very attractive licensing schemes for eValid? Do you want us to make up a quote? For server loading, I'm guessing; but for how long? A quarter or a full year?

The eValid Team
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