Running a bunch of eValids to scan a website a load test

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

Running a bunch of eValids to scan a website a load test

Postby SherryT » Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:49 pm


I've had this idea?

Would running multiple instances of eValid all doing a website scan on the same website and consider that a kind of randomized load test?

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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:40 pm

Re: Running a bunch of eValids to scan a website a load test

Postby eValid » Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:45 am

SherryT wrote:Hello.

I've had this idea?

Would running multiple instances of eValid all doing a website scan on the same website and consider that a kind of randomized load test?


Makes sense SherryT.

Once you set up eValid for your site analysis you want to make sure it is in browser mode so the pages really are all rendered, etc.

This instance of eValid can be launched from the command line, and then minimized.

You can minimize manually, or you could launch the site analysis from a playback script that includes the command:

Minimize window-id

before launching the site analysis.

What is interesting is, very likely as the search continues through the website all of the pages that are accessible in the search span will, after a time, appear to be randomly requested from multiple users.

You could think of this as a kind of "white noise" applied to the website to load it down.

We haven't done this but the thinking is that that would be a fairly good imitation of a range of users in the public all dancing around and reading page all in parallel.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

-- eValid Support
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