Using your DynamicLinkCheck commands

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

Using your DynamicLinkCheck commands

Postby bLanden » Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:54 am

How different is the site analysis form using your DynamicLinkCheck commands?
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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:51 am

Re: Using your DynamicLinkCheck commands

Postby eValid » Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:47 am

Good question.

You might think of the Site Analysis capability as applying the DynamicLinkCheck command automatically, in sequence, to all of the links on a page, and to all of those links, etc.

That process, if you let it run, will very likely visit a number of pages more than once...or as many times as the page is refereced.

In eValid Site Analysis runs the algorithms used permit the scan to visit each page only once (see below for a limitation this imposes), and therefore will run faster and more reliably than a test playback that involves sets of DynamicLinkCheck commands.

But by visiting each page only once, the Site Analysis process may MISS checking facts about pages that change -- either dynamically because of AJAX supported content, or that change because the website is under maintenance.

So the right thing to do is probably both types of scans, based on your knowledge of the rate of change of the content of pages in the web site or web application that you're analyzing.

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