Query Strings

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

Query Strings

Postby besh » Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:03 pm

Can you scan a website where the page selections are done with query strings?
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Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:08 pm

Re: Query Strings

Postby eValid » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:19 am

besh wrote:Can you scan a website where the page selections are done with query strings?

Yes, you can. No problem.

eValid can do this because it is operating with page DOM's and URLs directly, not through any intermediate protocol.

There is a special option in the site analysis settings that changes the data that is used in the search process to focus on pages that are identified by a query string, e.g. "&name=value".

Actually you can search a web site for all pages that match a particular "&name=value" or you can also search for just "&name=" -- which as you can guess will match on any page where the "&name" is defined at all.

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