What are some sources of error in site analysis runs?

Use and application of eValid's site analysis (site scanning) features.

What are some sources of error in site analysis runs?

Postby Mathewc » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:32 am

What are some sources of error in site analysis runs? I seem to see inconsistent page sizes from run to run?
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Re: What are some sources of error in site analysis runs?

Postby eValid » Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:43 am

Mathewc wrote:What are some sources of error in site analysis runs? I seem to see inconsistent page sizes from run to run?
The most common problem we see in site analysis runs arises when the site is being maintained at the same time you are running the analysis.

You see this when some pages early in the scan create links that are put into the internal work list, only to be found later to be non existent and/or to have changed.

The scan will still run, of course, but you may seem some strange results, for example, of pages that do exist now saying that they are broken or vice versa.

This traces back to a basic edict of site analysis: The underlying site should not be changing while you are analyzing it.

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