Can your SQL interface be used in monitoring?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Can your SQL interface be used in monitoring?

Postby vb165 » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:26 pm

Can your SQL interface be used in monitoring? How is it commonly used?
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Joined: Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:02 pm

Re: Can your SQL interface be used in monitoring?

Postby eValid » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:30 am

vb165 wrote:Can your SQL interface be used in monitoring? How is it commonly used?
Yes, the SQL feature in eValid has application to both monitoring and regression testing.

In simplest terms, the SQL feature allows eValid to interface directly with a database and drop "EventLog-type data" into the database at the end of every test playback. The data automatically inserted can be a complete EventLog or a subset or a CustomLog or any other output that your eValid playback script generates in its working directory.

Once in the SQL database then you are outside eValid's "world," but from that kind of information structure you have a lot of options for time-series analysis, graphing, charting, etc.

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