Do you have any special way to feed outputs?

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Do you have any special way to feed outputs?

Postby tweather » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:17 pm

Do you have any special way to feed outputs from a test script execution into a local file?
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:36 pm

Re: Do you have any special way to feed outputs?

Postby eValid » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:32 am

tweather wrote:Do you have any special way to feed outputs from a test script execution into a local file?
You have several possibilities.

(1) Use a Note "any comment" command in the script. This will cause the phrase any comment to wind up in the playback EventLog.

(2) Edit the script with a SaveRecord command (check the documentation for the speific formats that are allowed). This will write a message into a file, and you can also include download byte counts, timer values, etc.

(3) There is always the option to do a SystemCallWait "command.bat" command inline in the eValid script. Now the outside command.bat can be used to write anything you like anywere you like. eValid will wait for the command to finish before continuing the playback.

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