Supporting end to end monitoring

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Supporting end to end monitoring

Postby keyenter » Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:59 pm

We want to do end to end monitoring and we are reporting through the Nagios/Groundwork system. We tried out both WebInject and Selenium but we found them wanting. Could you please outline what eValid can do supporting end to end monitoring?
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Re: Supporting end to end monitoring

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:59 am

keyenter wrote:We want to do end to end monitoring and we are reporting through the Nagios/Groundwork system. We tried out both WebInject and Selenium but we found them wanting. Could you please outline what eValid can do supporting end to end monitoring?

We have heard this from users before.

The eValid solution is (a) easy to use and (b) very reliable. We have customers who have been running eValid in monitoring mode for 5+ years, and some customers who run 4+ million tests per month from multiple test agents.

And, we have an interface directly into popular monitoring/reporting systems, such as Groundwork Open Source (GWOS), which is based in Nagios.

In fact, the demonstration of monitoring that you see on our website uses the GWOS community edition to display monitoring results.

Bottom line, eValid is a safe, professionally supported, widely used, reliable and flexible method for obtaining accurate end-to-end monitoring of web applications.

--eValid Monitoring Team
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