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How does eValid tell if the page object model is present

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 9:46 am
by PMorris
Good morning.

Is there an eValid method in the page-object model that tells if the element is present?

If you can, please provide me some reference material along with your answer.


Re: How does eValid tell if the page object model is present

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 10:48 am
by eValid
PMorris wrote:Good morning.

Is there an eValid method in the page-object model that tells if the element is present?

If you can, please provide me some reference material along with your answer.


Thanks for posting your question PMorris.

The simplest thing to do it to search for it and see if the internal value of Source Index changes.

To search for it you use this command: IndexFindElement wid { UP | DOWN } "property_name" ["property_value"] "frame_path"

Here is the documentation page for this command: ... ement.html

The main thing to not is that in case this command does NOT find a match in the current DOM for whatever it is you've specified for the property_name or for property_name=property_value, then the SourceIndex is not modified.

Not found means no change.

So, set SourceIndex to 0, run the search, and examine if Source Index has changed.

Simple as that.

-- eValid Support