wonker wrote:I want to run eValid on an XP image and get the failure reports sent to me by email? How do you do that?
Tnx, Wonker
This should be no problem. Most of the work can be done in the eValid playback script.
First, set up the XP scheduler to call eValid via the command line interface.
Then, in the script you can use commands like "SendMail" or "Email" directly to announce that a playback has started.
You can also use commands like "OnErrorEmail" or "OnErrorSendFile" to automatically trigger a warning email when there's a time limit or content validation or fail to download issue in the playback. That's the payoff in this kind of setup: being alerted to when something has gone wrong.
We have an example of this kind of setup here:
Self Monitoring Script Example. This example shows you how this is done using regular email processing.
Hope this helps!
--The eValid Team