"Safety factor" for AJAX script playbacks

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

"Safety factor" for AJAX script playbacks

Postby 29mxy » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:32 pm

What is your recommended "safety factor" for AJAX script playbacks? Explain how you arrive at that?
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Re: "Safety factor" for AJAX script playbacks

Postby eValid » Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:04 pm

29mxy wrote:What is your recommended "safety factor" for AJAX script playbacks? Explain how you arrive at that?

In a monitoring mode situation, a script playback time will likely vary over time depending on the current load on the server.

Normally, in monitoring mode that is trying to send an alarm based on playback timing, the threshold time is typically 2X or 3X the base (normal) time. So if the nominal playback time is 100 seconds, you need to be prepared for this script to take as long as 300 seconds to complete.

If you have an alarm set at a playback time over 300 seconds, then you know that that is the maximum playback time you'll need.

If you plan for a 100% "safety factor" -- because in practice "stuff happens" -- then you need 600 sec = 10 minutes total time for that particular test.

Working backward, then, a 100% safety factor over a worst-case overtime that is alarmed would imply that a 100 second test ought to run no more often then every 10 minutes.

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