Any commands to allow me to scroll up or down the page

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

Any commands to allow me to scroll up or down the page

Postby GradyA » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:21 pm


I want to scroll down the page.

I used the focus command, but is there any command to scroll the page?

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Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:16 pm

Re: Any commands to allow me to scroll up or down the page

Postby eValid » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:47 pm

GradyA wrote:Afternoon.

I want to scroll down the page.

I used the focus command, but is there any command to scroll the page?


This is a good question GradyA.

As it turns out, however, because of the way eValid is architected, re-purposing the APIs that access the browser's DOM, you don't really need the scroll button (scroll up and scroll down).

Recordings made with evalid reference DOM indexes, not physical places on a page.

Here is some information about the internal processing of DOM events: ... cture.html

In addition, all of the functions that involve validation can be done without access to the desktop at all.

[This will be different if you are using Application Mode, which is, basically, desktop-based recording and playback, but you mention a "focus" command and that implies you are working at the DOM level.]

If you really want to reposition the page, simply pick a DOM index which you know will be on the page when it is rendered and send a "focus" event to it.

That will reposition the visible area of the browser.

Hope this helps.

-- eValid Support
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