AJAX Monitoring Playbacks

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

AJAX Monitoring Playbacks

Postby faq209 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:42 pm

What is the maximum number of AJAX monitoring playbacks I can launch in an hour?
What is the theoretical limit?
What do you recommend as a practical limit?

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:11 pm

Re: AJAX Monitoring Playbacks

Postby monitoring » Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:06 pm

The simple answer is -- and we don't mean to be flippant -- as many
as your licensed machine will allow!

That is, eValid's license doesn't put any limits on how many you can
run, but your machine does.

We use a 3 GB XP/SP3 machine (or machine image) as a kind of
"standard" and we believe you can get upwards of 1,000 playbacks on
such a machine in an hour.

This figure includes some things as:

(1) ~1 sec for each eValid launched by the scheduler to load up and
actually start running commands.

(2) Tests that are in the 1-3 minute playback time range.

(3) Tests that are "desktop safe" which is a way of saying that they
don't have to divide up the desktop over the timeline using eValids
Lock/Unlock commands.

(4) Test are run in parallel (you have to have the MULT feature to
do this) and have reasonably consistent playback times.

We have several customers who are averaging over 1,000 playbacks per
hour, but they are short, single-URL tests (for page availability).

A good practical answer is, try for 500 per hour and allow some
extra time so that you done have tests that run long and encounter
themselves and clog the machine.
eValid Tech Support Team
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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:48 pm

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