A login testing script

Applying eValid to Rich Internet Application (RIA) Performance Monitoring.

A login testing script

Postby wholepro » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:30 pm

If I do a login, then navigate to a couple of pages and then verify one piece of content, does this demonstrate that a web application is working OK?
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Re: A login testing script

Postby eValid » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:42 pm

wholepro wrote:If I do a login, then navigate to a couple of pages and then verify one piece of content, does this demonstrate that a web application is working OK?
We learned log ago that "working OK" is as much in the mind of the user as it is in the state of the playback.

With eValid YOU get to decide, pretty much, what it means that the application is running OK.

That could be as simple as logging in, validating a key phrase, and then logging out.

Or it could be as complex as logging into an application, navigation to a number of different pages and different parts of your application, and validating facts on every page as you go. In such a case, "working OK" would mean the aggregate of all of that work PLUS successful validations all the way from start to end. This can be as complex as you like.

We have seen 500-line scripts that take 15 minutes to run and check 100's of facts along the way (but this was a client, and we succeeded in convincing them that a larger number of smaller scripts is safer and more effective than a small number of hugh scripts!).

At the end of the day, YOU get to determine what is OK. Then, once that is incorporated in the eValid script, eValid will tell you whether for any particular playback if everything you asked to be OK really IS OK.

The eValid Team
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