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The ValueSave File

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:31 pm
by echeck
Hi eValid team,

I am having trouble getting any data written to the ValueSave file. The file remains blank. I want to grab the value that get written into the email=field and output it to the confirmation email field.

Email field:

Confirm email field:

Please provide the syntax that I would need to accomplish this.
My script so far...

InputValue 0 242 "TEXT" "" "email" "{% testemail}" "" ""
ValueGetElement 0 email ""=20
ValueSave "ValueSave_Variables.txt"

Re: The ValueSave File

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:41 pm
by eValid
Here is the correct syntax to do what you want to do using the random data generation feature of eV.Generate:

InputValue 0 242 "TEXT" "" "email" "{% testemail}" "" ""
Wait 1000
IndexSet 0
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "name" "email" ""
ValueGetElement 0 value ""
(or preferrably...
ValueGetElement 0 "value" "")
ValueSave "ValueSave_Variables.txt"

There are other ways to perform the same validate checks after input using different command combinations also. But in working with what you have, the reason why your .txt file yielded nothing was because you are requesting eValid to save away the value of the element "email" attribute property instead of the desired "value" attribute property, after locating it.

Please also note that you should locate the "name" attribute property = email first.

The evalid Team