eValid shows my page as broken but on other browsers as fine

How to use eValid to support regression testing.

eValid shows my page as broken but on other browsers as fine

Postby BClark » Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:47 am


I have a web page that appears OK in my Chrome and IE browser, but it appears to be broken in the eValid browser?

The event log says there is a JavaScript error?

What gives here, any help to overcome this problem?

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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:44 am

Re: eValid shows my page as broken but on other browsers as

Postby eValid » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:08 am

BClark wrote:Afternoon.

I have a web page that appears OK in my Chrome and IE browser, but it appears to be broken in the eValid browser?

The event log says there is a JavaScript error?

What gives here, any help to overcome this problem?


Thanks for bringing this up BClark.

eValid is primarily and foremost a quality assurance tool.

When we were in the process of creating the eValid architecture, we wanted to advise the user of any problem that we found.

This includes, specifically, pages that have JavaScript errors.

In accordance with this goal we intentionally had eValid report JavaScript errors in the event log whenever one was encountered.

When possible, the event log also shows you the nature of the JavaScript and the byte-count location of the point at which the JavaScript engine reports having found an error.

Sometimes, a JavaScript error in eValid will result in a rendering that "looks weird" or leaves something out.

The thinking is, better to report than to try to hide.

More recent browsers like Chrome and IE's latest version have powerful internal methods for suppressing the effect of badly coded JavaScript.

So on them a page may appear "normal" versus what appears in eValid.

We know that this can be confusing, but the thinking is "better safe than sorry."

-- eValid Support
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