Modal Recording

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Modal Recording

Postby tsoftware » Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:16 pm

eValid it is possible to consider tests finished, I and could not "win"
identification of the modal form, which is used in our appendix.

Now there is a consideration of products which have coped with script

These are following companies: AdventNet, HP Mercury, Compuware...

Huge to you thanks for assistance on the questions concerning eValid and all
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:19 pm

Re: Modal Recording

Postby functionaltesting » Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:18 pm

Sorry you had trouble with Modal Dialogs.

Did you see that eValid DOES have full support for Modals?

Modal dialogs present a special problem for eValid because, being
"modal" eValid can't get control to make a recording. Here are some
hints about how to handle modal dialogs: ... hints.html ... login.html

I think you will find this is unique among all of the commercial
offerings -- we are very familiar with them all.

Please let me know if you have a USA counterpart. Here is a super deal
that will serve to introduce eValid throughout your organization: ... cover.html

But it is USA only...that's why if we had a USA counterpart we
could deliver eValid to you this way here in the USA.
eValid Tech Support Team
Posts: 116
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:48 pm

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