Recording hidden fields on a webpage

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Recording hidden fields on a webpage

Postby LMatson » Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:50 am


How does eValid deal with recording hidden fields on a website?

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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:47 am

Re: Recording hidden fields on a webpage

Postby eValid » Tue Jun 21, 2022 8:26 am

LMatson wrote:Hello.

How does eValid deal with recording hidden fields on a website?


Thanks for asking about recording hidden fields LMatson.

Some web application pages often contain form fields within the page which are not visible but nevertheless play an integral part of the application's function and operation.

eValid has support for testing "hidden fields" that assures that the test plays back reliably.

To identify the hidden values recorded in the script file, eValid records these commands with the "HIDDEN" attribute.

For example, here is how a hidden field would appear if you asked eValid to record hidden fields (see below):

InputValue 0 1 "HIDDEN" "carTypeID" "4000" "" ""

To choose hidden field recording open the eValid preferences, select "Record/Play Preferences > Record", and then select the "Include Hidden Form Elements" option.

Note that a possible negative effect of recording hidden fields is that the length of the script may grow, and this may complicate the script for future editing.

A good technique for recording hidden fields is to switch this either option on only when absolutely necessary and/or to comment out recorded hidden fields that are not needed during script playback.

-- eValid Support
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