BuddAl wrote:Afternoon:
I'm trying to get a Webdriver instance to select a portion of text inside an H1 element, but it always fails.
What can I do with eValid that's different?
Perhaps maybe works?
Thanks for asking BuddAl.
You have to be careful, but you can do this with eValid.
The eValid implementation [i.e. its architecture] gives you complete control over the current content of the DOM of the current page.
The key commands in the eValid command language are those which do direct input and output from the DOM, described here:
http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... tput.html'But remember, if you manipulate the DOM of a page you may need to issue a reload request to make sure that the changes you have made take effect.
Another warning: there is no error checking and if you modify the DOM in a harmful way you are responsible.
-- eValid Support