WilliamB wrote:Hello:
Now that eValid appears to run on Windows 10 from your Blog and twitter postings, can you run one test on a PC, a Windows tablet, and a Windows phone all at once?
Hi William, thanks for asking.
Yes, you can you can do this and there are, as you know, some very good reasons why this is a good thing to be capable of.
There are, of course, some caveats.
You'll need to run your tests from a PC.
eValid is built as a PC-based application.
So the PC based tests are "native".
To run the same test on a tablet or a smartphone you need to set the test up to tell the server to treat you as if you were making browser requests from the type of device you specify.
Here is the command to do this:
http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... ation.htmlYou modify the UAS to get the playback for the tablet and the phone display on your PC..
In some sites what shows on the screen will be identical in all cases...this is because some sites assume the "smallest" commmon interface is on the smartphone.
But be careful of the screensize issue.
-- eValid Support