Question about drag and drop

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Question about drag and drop

Postby SarahT » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:56 am


Just a quick question:

Can eValid drag and drop between two iframes?


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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:52 am

Re: Question about drag and drop

Postby eValid » Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:34 pm

SarahT wrote:Hi.

Just a quick question:

Can eValid drag and drop between two iframes?



Thanks for asking SarahT.

Yes, eValid can do that, but you need to recognize that a drag/drop recording has to be done as a desktop function so this can be a bit tricky.

First, confirm that you can "drop" into the target area.

In general, not every page has this capability.

It'll make no sense, for example, to drop something that you have copied into the buffer if the target DOM element can't receive that kind of input.

There are several commands that may be used here:

* AbsMouseDrag

* clLDrag

* xyLDrag

The latter two commands differ only in how the coordinates of the end of the drag sequence (in effect, when you drop what you've started to drag) are figured.

[That's how AbsMouseDrat does things, too]

The "cl" variant is measured in pixels from the 0,0 location of the client window, and the "xy" variant is measured in piexes from the 0,0 location on the screen.

Also, you ought to watch out for the problem that if you record a drag/drop on a large screen that it may not play back reliably on a smaller screen, because the target location is "off the screen."

-- eValid Support
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