Need help doing tests with parameters

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Need help doing tests with parameters

Postby WalterP » Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:20 pm


How do you specify the file in a serial test execution with parameters.

Can I write the data in from a spreadsheet?

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Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:15 pm

Re: Need help doing tests with parameters

Postby eValid » Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:26 pm

WalterP wrote:Hey:

How do you specify the file in a serial test execution with parameters.

Can I write the data in from a spreadsheet?


Thanks for asking WalterP.

You're talking about eValid's Data Synthesis feature, described here: ... .data.html

In this mode eValid reads lines from an input file that have value assignments to parameters.

It matches these up with the same parameters in the script file, does the string substitution, and runs the script.

One run per line in the file.

Your script file has to contain this command at the top (before the first parameter usage):

DataSynthesis "filename"

The file name itself can be just the local file name, in your project directory.

Or it can be a full Windows path name like this:


The actual file is a text-only file, but yes, of course you can create a text only file using a spreadsheet.

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