Patricia wrote:Evening:
I need a simple way to save the visible text off a webpage and the methods that work with Selenium are all too difficult to my end-users.
Have you got anything simpler?
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks for asking Patrica.
Fortunately eValid has a command build in that does just what you want.
The command is as follows:
SaveVisibleText wid filename frame-path
The wid is the identifier of the window, e.g. 0 for the parent browser window; the filename is the local filename to which you want all of the visible text written, and frame-path is the eValid frame path [if any].
The command will scan the entire current page from the DOM and write out the aggregate visible text to the file name you specify.
If there is dynamic content on the page you may get part of it and you may get all of it. What you get when a section of text is being updated is a function of where the computer is in its scan.
There are, FYI, companion commands that will save a screenshot of the current page, or save the complete HTML of the page.
-- eValid Support