ThomasN wrote:Morning.
How can I extract all the links from a page with eValid?
I mean, what I want is to have a list of every link's url in a separate file.
Hey ThomasN.
This is a common request. You might want the set of links so you study what the page links to (marketing may want this), or you may want to test that every link on the page is working OK.
The easy way to do this is to have eValid make a recording using the link wizard.
You start your recording and they you simply click the sequence Wizards > LinkTest Wizard. Or you can type Ctrl-Shift-L ("L" for "link").
What eValid does is scan the current page's DOM for all anchor tags and generates a GotoLink command for every link it finds.
Here is the manual page that applies: ... izard.htmlThis page shows you a sample and that file is stored locally.
From there you're home free!
--eValid Support