Simple explaination on multiple recording modes

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Simple explaination on multiple recording modes

Postby MPiper » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:01 am


I really like the way eValid has multiple recording modes.

Do you have a simple explanation about how all of these work?

Why do you need so many modes?

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:02 am

Re: Simple explaination on multiple recording modes

Postby eValid » Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:30 am

MPiper wrote:Afternoon:

I really like the way eValid has multiple recording modes.

Do you have a simple explanation about how all of these work?

Why do you need so many modes?


Hello MPiper. Thanks for posting your question.

The switch is seamless...unique in that regard.

We need the different modes because no two web applications are coded similarly...we can alway see variations that need special treatment.

Here is a simple chart showing the transition between normal eValid recording and the various "special modes" that are available: ... modes.html

Hope that answers your question on a simple explaination.

--eValid Support
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