JasmineR wrote:Morning all. Happy X'mas eve!
I'd like some advice.
Can evalid detect WHEN a web page has been hacked?
I want to use this in our monitoring service?
Tell me how...
Hello JasmineR.
Thanks for posting on the eValid forum.
The answer is, yes, provided that you have some fixed property or fact about the page that will distinguish it from the original (unhacked) version.
If the page is constant, then a simple checksum will detect hacking. Or, you can save a complete screenshot of the page
as a baseline and detect regressions by comparing the saved page with the current page (via a dynamic screenshot).
If the page is changing, this becomes more difficult because it is very hard to find whether the ordinary changes are or are not the result of hacking. In such a case you may need to resort to something more powerful than content checking, such as checking structure or JavaScript content and/or behavior.
--eValid Support