Can eValid test the development of a wordpress theme

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Can eValid test the development of a wordpress theme

Postby Richard5 » Mon Oct 07, 2013 2:10 pm

Can eValid test the development of a wordpress theme?

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Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:49 pm

Re: Can eValid test the development of a wordpress theme

Postby eValid » Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:17 pm

Yes, evalid can handle websites built with WordPress.

And, yes, eValid tests can be done on such websites and they operate independent of the WordPress them that you've chosen provided that the them does not alter the actual content of the pages that are part of your test scripts.

eValid can do this because it operates at the level of the underlying DOM structure -- and is generally insensitive to problem of page layout, color, font, and other factors. As of today there are over 2,000 different themes available from the WordPress website.

That all being said, if your theme selection changes the logical layout of the page, introduces or removes frames, changes the assigned ID tags, or otherwise modifies the structure of the page as reflected in the stucture of the DOM that undlies it, then eValid may not be able to run tests recorded in one theme and played back in a different one.

The thing to remember here is this: eValid is aimed at confirming (as in regression testing) or measureing (as in monitoring) the content and behavior of a website...a set of pages that may [or may not] interact and/or be modified dynamically. In these kinds of applications eValid is superior to every other kind of web testing solution. But for monitoring the impact of changes in the theme...well, something other tban a dynamic web application test engine is going to be needed.

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