In the foreground & running with a command line invocation

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

In the foreground & running with a command line invocation

Postby Drakes » Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:28 pm

Is there a difference between running eValid tests in the foreground (I mean, from the browser) and running with a command line invocation?
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Re: In the foreground & running with a command line invocati

Postby eValid » Mon May 06, 2013 6:16 am

In either case it is the SAME evalid executable; that's for sure.

But there could be differences in the local environment that could affect your playback.

If for example you have made some changes to the settings in your foreground run, but you didn't save those
settings to the register, then the same script played back from a batch command will use the SAVED settings, not the NEW settings.

There are also some differences between how a batch-launched process is treated compared with a foreground (desktop) in terms of priority to the CPU.

And of course there could the OTHER environmental differences at the Windows Operating System level that you have to be concerned with.

Our recommended practice is to save the settings so everyone is using the same ones, or save the setttings in a named profile and specify the profile in the batch command -- to make sure the two executions are on the same page.

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