Google's Images

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Google's Images

Postby win7 » Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:48 pm

Hey guys,

I have this test I want to do of Google's Images and I make this recording and it works OK but when I play it back my playback stalls waiting for the Google page to receive some kind of input action. If I put my cursor on the page and move it a bit, then the link for "Images" is there (well, it shows up).

So, my question is: How do you get eValid to play back something that brings those links into focus?
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Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:05 pm

Re: Google's Images

Postby eValid » Sat May 01, 2010 12:33 pm

win7 wrote:Hey guys,

I have this test I want to do of Google's Images and I make this recording and it works OK but when I play it back my playback stalls waiting for the Google page to receive some kind of input action. If I put my cursor on the page and move it a bit, then the link for "Images" is there (well, it shows up).

So, my question is: How do you get eValid to play back something that brings those links into focus?

Yes, we've seen that too.

When you go to you get the very simple page, and only after you take an action on the page face do the other possible links show up, fading in. Very sophisticated JavaScript does this.

So the issue you have is, how do you play back some kind of user action on that page to get these links to show up, so you can click on them.

The best answer is to use an IndexElementMouseOver command and you need to do this on some sourceIndex value other than 0, e.g. 1 or 10 or 50. (But one that you know is in the page or the command will fail.)

Sorry, there's no way to record this kind of action and keep the script size that results reasonably small. But you can turn on mouseover recording and record the action that way. But the script will be rather larger.

We recommend, in this case, to experiment and see what works best for you.

The eValid Team
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