Recording Log In

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Recording Log In

Postby cvj-qa » Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:27 pm

Hey, you've got a great product there but it failed me on the first try!

I recorded logging in to my application, then fiddled around some and the stopped the recording. When I played back the recording back it FAILED!

What gives here?
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Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:12 pm

Re: Recording Log In

Postby eValid » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:57 am

cvj-qa wrote:Hey, you've got a great product there but it failed me on the first try!

I recorded logging in to my application, then fiddled around some and the stopped the recording. When I played back the recording back it FAILED!

What gives here?

Of all of the complaints about eValid use, this is the most common one! And we DO sympathize!

What's going on is that the eValid browser -- being a complete and self-comtained browser that behaves like the IE base on which it is built -- remembers that you logged in using some kind of "session cookie". That is, the login details are kept internal to eValid -- not in a deletable cookie file.

(eValid by default adds DeleteCache and DeleteCookies commands to the recorded script, and this takes care of deleting cookie files. But it doesn't affect "session codies" or "persistent cookies".)

The answer then is simple: IF YOU LOG IN BE SURE TO LOG OUT! Then you will have returned eValid to the same initial state it was in and your NEW login will work as you expect.

Alternatively, login first, and THEN start your recordings. Now your test sessions will work correctly because they are based on already having logged in and not having logged out!

Remember: eValid REMEMBERS STATE!

-The eValid Team
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