Database Connectivity in eValid

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Database Connectivity in eValid

Postby bvb33 » Mon May 24, 2010 10:23 am

Application I am testing needs some customized validation against Informix Database.

Can someone give me an example for database connectivity in eValid?

1) Establish connection

2) Execute query

3) Validation the values on UI based on query result ( like transaction confirmation number)
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Joined: Mon May 24, 2010 10:15 am

Re: Database Connectivity in eValid

Postby eValid » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:01 am

bvb33 wrote:Application I am testing needs some customized validation against Informix Database.

Can someone give me an example for database connectivity in eValid?

1) Establish connection

2) Execute query

3) Validation the values on UI based on query result ( like transaction confirmation number)

The key to doing this is to note where you put data into the database.

If you are entering data via some HTML-based or JScript based web page, then you simply record the data entry and validate the values after you "submit" the transaction(s) for processing.

To use eValid to drive database checks requires that you use some kind of interface page -- again, in HTML -- in other words, some kind of web page.

(While not the best use of eValid technology, you could use Application Mode to drive a database update from a command line prompt on the desktop, but that approach is not as scalable as doing the same work from a web page).

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