Input on Modal Dialogs

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Input on Modal Dialogs

Postby LGartner » Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:21 pm


How does evalid handle modal dialog(s)?

What's the magic?
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Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:25 pm

Re: Input on Modal Dialogs

Postby eValid » Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:29 am

LGartner wrote:Evening.

How does evalid handle modal dialog(s)?

What's the magic?

Thanks for asking LGartner.

There's no magic at all.

Modal dialogs grab control of the window face and REQUIRE a user input of some kind.

eValid can be set up to send a variety of different types of messages.

In most cases, a simple RETURN will suppress the modal dialog and the script can continue execution.

You set this automatic behavior in the eValid settings, as desribed here: ... yback.html

In case you need to interact with MORE information than a simple RETURN, eValid lets you record the interaction using the input sequences described here: ... modal.html

There are some modal dialogs that lock the user into a response on a completely separate window and these are handled in the usual way with regular eValid input modes.

-- eValid Support
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