TimmyF wrote:Evening.
Sorry for the late posting.
I am trying to test page "A" that is require to login and navigate through 3 or 4 pages before get to the page "A" I want to test. I have 10 scenarios to test, is there a way to complete all 10 without requiring to login and navigate to this page?
It's never too late to asking and thanks for posting.
That is no problem with eValid.
Let's assume that you want to have the login credentials as part of your test setup. This is, you want eValid to do a separate logins for each session.
Here are the steps:
(1) Record with an initial login credential set the actual sequence you want to have happen for that account.
(2) Edit the script (it is a simple text file) so that the login account is [for example] $ACCOUNT and the password is $PASSWORD. Your script is now parameterized.
(3) Use eValid's Data Synthesis mode to set up all 10 of your scenarios, each one with a different set of login credentials.
Here is the manual page for this:
http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... .data.html(4) Your script will have to include the name of the data synthesis file, which is described here:
http://www.e-valid.com/Products/Documen ... mmary.html(5) Now, to make the 10-user run, you launch eValid, use the special "Run Synthesized" optional playback feature.
(6) Sit back and watch the robots do all the work.
--eValid Support