How do I stop my eValid script when an error is detected

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

How do I stop my eValid script when an error is detected

Postby CDuchame » Thu May 08, 2014 12:19 pm


I'd like to know if eValid can do the following:

I want to have my script stop when there is an error detected and throw up a screen that describes what the error was?

Can you do it easily?

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu May 08, 2014 12:07 pm

Re: How do I stop my eValid script when an error is detected

Postby eValid » Fri May 09, 2014 10:35 am

CDuchame wrote:Afternoon.

I'd like to know if eValid can do the following:

I want to have my script stop when there is an error detected and throw up a screen that describes what the error was?

Can you do it easily?


Hello CDuchame. Thanks for posting.

Yes, eValid can do that.

To begin with you have to have a script that works.

Once you have that you can add in the alarm processing and the message window.

There are two eValid features that you need to use to make this happen: (1) The "OnErrorGoScript" command which works on the built in Alarm processing capability, and (2) the Message Window command.

You set the alarm with the OnError command like this:

OnErrorGoScript to DisplayMessage.evs

When your script yields a FAIL, control is given to the DisplayMessage.evs file.

The DisplayMessage.evs script uses MessageWindow or NewWindow to show the message to the user, as you have requested. Here is the detailed description: ... ation.html

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