What do you mean by: "recording protocol".

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

What do you mean by: "recording protocol".

Postby JDanner » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:35 pm


I hope this not a stupid question, but what to do you mean by" recording protocol".

What does this protocol do and how can it help me with using eValid.

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Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:34 am

Re: What do you mean by: "recording protocol".

Postby eValid » Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:37 am

JDanner wrote:Hi.

I hope this not a stupid question, but what to do you mean by" recording protocol".

What does this protocol do and how can it help me with using eValid.


Morning JDanner.

It wasn't a stupid question you posted, quite the opposite.

First, you have to accept that (1) every web application is different and (2) no software test recording engine can "read the developers minds" and do the right thing, every time.

To maximize the chance to get a recording from life, using the GUI only (that is, without having to go into the script and make changes manually), eValid has six different options, all selectable from the keyboard with Function Key combinations:

* Natural = Using eValid internal resources only, using only browser information (this is the mode when none of the other modes is selected).

* Element Mouseovers = Record mouseovers using browser element information only.

* Absolute Mouseovers = Record all mouseovers in desktop location terms.

* Absolute Mouseclicks = Record mouseclicks using desktop

* Application Mode = Record using some desktop information

* Desktop Mode = Use all available desktop information

That's right: there are 32 different combinations! But you rarely ever have to use more than one non-natural mode at a time.
So the real choices are just between 5 modes.

Which combination to use is something that you, the tester, have to determine, based on the specific properties of YOUR application. The combination of these recording modes that works for YOUR application is your specific Recording Protocol.

It's kind of like, if you see this, then record this way, but if you see that then switch everything off, but then if you see something ELSE, then choose a third combination of modes. And so forth.

Once you have the Recording Protocol identified for an application it is highly likely that the same Protocol will work throughout that application. That's because, in most cases, programmers always do things in the same way multiple times.

Even so, caution is advised!

--eValid Support
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