Application with UI is changing frequently

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Application with UI is changing frequently

Postby AthenaT » Mon Oct 21, 2013 2:02 pm


I have an application in which the UI is changing frequently.

Is there a way using eValid to test my work independent of UI changes?

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Re: Application with UI is changing frequently

Postby eValid » Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:36 am

You're right...if your UI is changing then the straightforward method of recording user actions in the browser and playing them back won't be reliable. Even the powerful Adaptive Playback feature of eValid won't overcome changes reliably enough.

The solution is to create a script -- which we recommend be based on use of what is originally recorded by the eValid recording engine -- and make it a "structural script" that relies on logical positions in the web page that do NOT move around as the page changes.

Here is a page that will serve to show you how to do this by example: Testing With DOM Interactions -- Guide to Examples. The hardest part is to find the "fixed point" about which to pivot the test actions, but this turns out to be easy enough if you study your page a bit.

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