utesting wrote:When I get to a page I want to get the Total. Then after I add a value I would like to get the total again. If the second total is first total + 1 then pass else fail the script.
Using validation I have capturerd the total, however the total is statically written in the code ( like Total1 = 53). What do I need to do so when I play back the system gets the latest total?
Simple enough.
Assuming you are familiar with eValid's structural (index/motion) commands then all you have to do is find the DOM element index that has the specified value as the Total and use an IndexSave command to pick up the value of that property, and a ValueSave to store the resulting string in a local file.
At playback time this sequence will save to the local file the then-current Total.
To validate the result you can compare the two with the CompareStrings command.
eValid Suppor Crew