Do You Specifically Support 3rd Party Controls?

How to apply eValid to functional testing of web applications.

Do You Specifically Support 3rd Party Controls?

Postby desr650 » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:46 pm

How does eValid do on 3rd part controls? I mean, do you specifically support 3rd party controls like Teleric, ICEfaces, that sort of thing? What limitations are there in using eValid on web applications built with that kind of system?
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Joined: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:23 pm

Re: Do You Specifically Support 3rd Party Controls?

Postby eValid » Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:57 am

desr650 wrote:How does eValid do on 3rd part controls? I mean, do you specifically support 3rd party controls like Teleric, ICEfaces, that sort of thing? What limitations are there in using eValid on web applications built with that kind of system?

Yes, eValid supports these sets of JavaScript/AJAX support systems very well.

The only tricky part is that, in some cases, the "recording protocol" to get a recording from eValid that will play back reliably involves doing non-standard things. It would be great if all such collections of support parts worked in the same way -- but as you know, they don't. That's why you have to adapt your recording process a little bit to match the needs of the particular environment.

But rest assured, we have had 100% success in getting tests on these kinds of environments to work.

The eValid Team
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